4 第4章
# 引数となるobjはgnmの結果
<- function(obj, Model = NULL){
model.summary if (sum(class(obj) == "gnm") != 1)
stop("estimate with gnm")
<- obj$deviance - obj$df * 2 # AIC(L2)
aic <- obj$deviance - obj$df * log(sum(obj$y)) #BIC(L2)
bic <- 100 * sum(abs(obj$y - obj$fitted.values)) / (2 * sum(obj$y))
delta <- pchisq(obj$deviance, obj$df, lower.tail = FALSE) #p<-ifelse(p<0.001,"<0.001",p)
p <- matrix(0, 1, 7)
result if (is.null(Model)){
<- deparse(substitute(obj))
}<- tibble(
result "Model Description" = Model,
"df" = obj$df,
"L2" = obj$deviance,
#"AIC(L2)" = aic,
"BIC" = bic,
"Delta" = delta,
"p" = p
4.1 表4.3
# Table 4.3
<- c(201, 29, 8, 13, 5, 152, 29, 2, 8, 0,
Freq 18, 6, 3, 6, 0, 17, 12, 0, 3, 0,
109, 74, 164, 89, 16, 101, 336, 9, 134, 2,
7, 6, 45, 30, 6, 7, 41, 7, 63, 0,
247, 58, 20, 23, 2, 288, 51, 1, 17, 3,
48, 11, 16, 13, 1, 47, 38, 2, 18, 0,
157, 68, 178, 116, 27, 165, 321, 27, 168, 1,
7, 7, 50, 42, 5, 12, 25, 5, 29, 6)
<- gl(4, 10, 4 * 5 * 2 * 2)
Educ <- gl(5, 1, 4 * 5 * 2 * 2)
Occ <- gl(2, 5, 4 * 5 * 2 * 2)
Sex <- gl(2, 40, 4 * 5 * 2 * 2)
Year <- Year:Sex
L levels(L) <- factor(1:4)
<- as.numeric(Educ)
Rscore <- as.numeric(Occ)
.1 <- tibble(Freq, Educ, Occ, Sex, Year, L, Rscore, Cscore)
freq_tab_3.1 freq_tab_3
# A tibble: 80 × 8
Freq Educ Occ Sex Year L Rscore Cscore
<dbl> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
1 201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 29 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
3 8 1 3 1 1 1 1 3
4 13 1 4 1 1 1 1 4
5 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 5
6 152 1 1 2 1 2 1 1
7 29 1 2 2 1 2 1 2
8 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 3
9 8 1 4 2 1 2 1 4
10 0 1 5 2 1 2 1 5
# ℹ 70 more rows
# Model 1 - RC(0)-L(homogeneous)
<- freq_tab_3.1 |>
model1 gnm(
~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L,
Freq family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-12
gnm(formula = Freq ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L, family = poisson,
data = freq_tab_3.1, tolerance = 1e-12, trace = F)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-9.2080 -2.2181 -0.4393 1.7534 10.3493
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 4.63188 0.07546 61.385 < 2e-16 ***
Educ2 -2.04867 0.18496 -11.076 < 2e-16 ***
Educ3 0.56850 0.07822 7.268 3.65e-13 ***
Educ4 -1.00188 0.12060 -8.307 < 2e-16 ***
Occ2 -1.06920 0.10808 -9.893 < 2e-16 ***
Occ3 -0.42050 0.08678 -4.846 1.26e-06 ***
Occ4 -0.88688 0.10115 -8.768 < 2e-16 ***
Occ5 -2.51829 0.20006 -12.588 < 2e-16 ***
L2 -0.58321 0.11600 -5.028 4.96e-07 ***
L3 0.35568 0.09908 3.590 0.000331 ***
L4 0.38267 0.09802 3.904 9.46e-05 ***
Educ2:L2 0.26213 0.26589 0.986 0.324189
Educ3:L2 0.54569 0.11433 4.773 1.82e-06 ***
Educ4:L2 0.52029 0.16809 3.095 0.001966 **
Educ2:L3 0.67937 0.21978 3.091 0.001994 **
Educ3:L3 -0.12382 0.10396 -1.191 0.233635
Educ4:L3 -0.14652 0.16251 -0.902 0.367276
Educ2:L4 0.81653 0.21566 3.786 0.000153 ***
Educ3:L4 0.07042 0.10180 0.692 0.489078
Educ4:L4 -0.54042 0.17410 -3.104 0.001908 **
Occ2:L2 1.48066 0.13298 11.135 < 2e-16 ***
Occ3:L2 -2.31314 0.25826 -8.957 < 2e-16 ***
Occ4:L2 0.60040 0.13656 4.397 1.10e-05 ***
Occ5:L2 -2.41258 0.73731 -3.272 0.001067 **
Occ2:L3 -0.09004 0.14424 -0.624 0.532465
Occ3:L3 -0.13260 0.11618 -1.141 0.253725
Occ4:L3 0.02568 0.13253 0.194 0.846332
Occ5:L3 -0.05541 0.26603 -0.208 0.835011
Occ2:L4 0.90622 0.12622 7.179 7.00e-13 ***
Occ3:L4 -2.26247 0.19508 -11.598 < 2e-16 ***
Occ4:L4 0.09529 0.12843 0.742 0.458122
Occ5:L4 -1.41745 0.37680 -3.762 0.000169 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
Residual deviance: 1370.9 on 48 degrees of freedom
AIC: 1796.7
Number of iterations: 6
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model1 48 1371. 972. 23.8 1.37e-255
# Model 2 - RC(1)-L(homogeneous)
<- freq_tab_3.1 |>
model2 gnm(
~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L + Mult(1, Educ, Occ),
Freq family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-12
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations..................................
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model2 42 144. -205. 6.39 4.54e-13
# Model 3 - RC(1)-L(heterogeneous)
<- freq_tab_3.1 |>
model3 gnm(
~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L + Mult(L, L:Educ, L:Occ),
Freq family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-12
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations.........................................................
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model3 24 69.1 -130. 3.04 0.00000303
# Model 4 - RC(2)-L(homogeneous)
<- freq_tab_3.1 |>
model4 gnm(
~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L + instances(Mult(1, Educ, Occ), 2),
Freq family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-8
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations................
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model4 38 117. -199. 5.24 4.93e-10
# Model 4 - RC(2)-L(heterogeneous)
<- freq_tab_3.1 |>
model5 gnm(
~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq instances(Mult(L, L:Educ, L:Occ), 2),
family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-10,
iterStart = 5,
iterMax = 1e6,
verbose = F
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model5 8 5.83 -60.7 0.437 0.666
# Model 6 - RC(3)-L(homogeneous)
<- freq_tab_3.1 |>
model6 gnm(
~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq instances(Mult(1, Educ, Occ), 3),
family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-12
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations........
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model6 36 113. -186. 5.19 6.60e-10
# Model 7 - RC(3)-L(heterogeneous)
<- freq_tab_3.1 |>
model7 gnm(
~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq instances(Mult(L, L:Educ, L:Occ), 3),
family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-12
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations.........................................................
Warning in gnmFit(modelTools = modelTools, y = y, constrain = constrain, : Fitting algorithm has either not converged or converged
to a non-solution of the likelihood equations.
Use exitInfo() for numerical details of last iteration.
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model7 0 4.32e-11 4.32e-11 0.00000000657 0
# Model 8- U+RC (homogeneous)
<- freq_tab_3.1 |>
model8 gnm(
~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq :Cscore +
RscoreMult(1, Educ, Occ),
family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-6,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000
Running start-up iterations....................
Running main iterations..............
gnm(formula = Freq ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L + Rscore:Cscore +
Mult(1, Educ, Occ), family = poisson, data = freq_tab_3.1,
tolerance = 1e-06, iterStart = 20, iterMax = 1e+05, trace = F)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.09104 -0.98816 -0.05028 0.65984 4.48366
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 4.39711 NA NA NA
Educ2 -3.14283 NA NA NA
Educ3 -2.04278 NA NA NA
Educ4 -5.76600 NA NA NA
Occ2 -2.85536 NA NA NA
Occ3 -4.44772 NA NA NA
Occ4 -6.38812 NA NA NA
Occ5 -9.68116 NA NA NA
L2 -0.45256 0.10138 -4.464 8.04e-06 ***
L3 0.30784 0.08546 3.602 0.000315 ***
L4 0.27495 0.08559 3.212 0.001317 **
Educ2:L2 0.21438 0.26790 0.800 0.423574
Educ3:L2 0.60680 0.13272 4.572 4.83e-06 ***
Educ4:L2 0.84863 0.19679 4.312 1.62e-05 ***
Educ2:L3 0.67195 0.22185 3.029 0.002455 **
Educ3:L3 -0.13777 0.12302 -1.120 0.262766
Educ4:L3 -0.17785 0.18557 -0.958 0.337863
Educ2:L4 0.83889 0.21766 3.854 0.000116 ***
Educ3:L4 0.25621 0.11970 2.140 0.032320 *
Educ4:L4 -0.10081 0.19889 -0.507 0.612248
Occ2:L2 1.22119 0.14272 8.557 < 2e-16 ***
Occ3:L2 -2.67793 0.26863 -9.969 < 2e-16 ***
Occ4:L2 0.25078 0.15354 1.633 0.102387
Occ5:L2 -2.76550 0.74142 -3.730 0.000191 ***
Occ2:L3 -0.02264 0.15282 -0.148 0.882219
Occ3:L3 -0.01696 0.13679 -0.124 0.901323
Occ4:L3 0.12779 0.14886 0.858 0.390653
Occ5:L3 0.04374 0.27494 0.159 0.873605
Occ2:L4 0.83473 0.13514 6.177 6.54e-10 ***
Occ3:L4 -2.31754 0.20662 -11.217 < 2e-16 ***
Occ4:L4 0.05314 0.14388 0.369 0.711886
Occ5:L4 -1.43905 0.38269 -3.760 0.000170 ***
Rscore:Cscore 0.80506 0.23183 3.473 0.000515 ***
Mult(., Educ, Occ). 0.69031 NA NA NA
Mult(1, ., Occ).Educ1 -0.58680 NA NA NA
Mult(1, ., Occ).Educ2 -0.05428 NA NA NA
Mult(1, ., Occ).Educ3 0.48246 NA NA NA
Mult(1, ., Occ).Educ4 0.74448 NA NA NA
Mult(1, Educ, .).Occ1 -0.30028 NA NA NA
Mult(1, Educ, .).Occ2 0.07222 NA NA NA
Mult(1, Educ, .).Occ3 -0.20754 NA NA NA
Mult(1, Educ, .).Occ4 -3.36324 NA NA NA
Mult(1, Educ, .).Occ5 -5.98616 NA NA NA
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
Std. Error is NA where coefficient has been constrained or is unidentified
Residual deviance: 124.75 on 41 degrees of freedom
AIC: 564.56
Number of iterations: 14
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model8 41 125. -216. 5.58 2.18e-10
# Model 9 - U+RC (heterogeneous)
<- freq_tab_3.1 |>
model9 gnm(
~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq :Cscore:L +
RscoreMult(L, L:Educ, L:Occ),
family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-6,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000,
verbose = F
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model9 20 27.5 -139. 1.50 0.122
4.2 表4.4
<- list()
models 1]] <- model.summary(model1)
models[[2]] <- model.summary(model2)
models[[3]] <- model.summary(model3)
models[[4]] <- model.summary(model4)
models[[5]] <- model.summary(model5)
models[[6]] <- model.summary(model6)
models[[7]] <- model.summary(model7)
models[[8]] <- model.summary(model8)
models[[9]] <- model.summary(model9)
models[[|> bind_rows() |> kable(digit = 3) models
Model Description | df | L2 | BIC | Delta | p |
model1 | 48 | 1370.934 | 971.892 | 23.750 | 0.000 |
model2 | 42 | 143.827 | -205.334 | 6.388 | 0.000 |
model3 | 24 | 69.062 | -130.459 | 3.039 | 0.000 |
model4 | 38 | 117.384 | -198.524 | 5.237 | 0.000 |
model5 | 8 | 5.834 | -60.673 | 0.437 | 0.666 |
model6 | 36 | 113.180 | -186.101 | 5.187 | 0.000 |
model7 | 0 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
model8 | 41 | 124.751 | -216.097 | 5.581 | 0.000 |
model9 | 20 | 27.472 | -138.795 | 1.496 | 0.122 |
4.3 表4.5
<- function(x, y = 0) {
model_comparison |>
models bind_rows() |>
::summarise(`Model Used` =
dplyrifelse(y == 0,
df = ifelse(y == 0,
df[x], - df[y]),
df[x] L2 = ifelse(y == 0,
L2[x], - L2[y]))
L2[x] }
# Table 4.5 Panel A
model_comparison(1)) |> kable(digit = 3)
Model Used | df | L2 |
1-2 | 6 | 1227.106 |
2-4 | 4 | 26.444 |
4-6 | 2 | 4.204 |
6 | 36 | 113.180 |
1 | 48 | 1370.934 |
# Table 4.5 Panel B
model_comparison(1)) |> kable(digit = 3)
Model Used | df | L2 |
1-3 | 24 | 1301.872 |
3-5 | 16 | 63.228 |
5-7 | 8 | 5.834 |
1 | 48 | 1370.934 |
4.4 表4.6
# Table 4.6
<- c(201, 29, 8,13, 5, 152,29, 2, 8, 0,
Freq 18, 6, 3, 6, 0,17,12, 0, 3, 0,
109,74, 164,89,16, 101, 336, 9, 134, 2,
7, 6,45,30, 6, 7,41, 7,63, 0,
247,58,20,23, 2, 288,51, 1,17, 3,
48,11,16,13, 1,47,38, 2,18, 0,
157,68, 178, 116,27, 165, 321,27, 168, 1,
7, 7,50,42, 5,12,25, 5,29, 6)
<- gl(4, 10, 4 * 5 * 2 * 2)
Educ <- gl(5, 1, 4 * 5 * 2 * 2)
Occ <- gl(2, 5, 4 * 5 * 2 * 2)
Sex <- gl(2, 40, 4 * 5 * 2 * 2)
Year <- Year:Sex
L levels(L) <- factor(1:4)
<- as.numeric(Educ)
Rscore <- as.numeric(Occ)
# Model 1
<- freq_tab_3.1 |> gnm(
model1.un ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq Mult(L, Educ, L:Occ, inst = 1) +
Mult(L, Educ, L:Occ, inst = 2),
family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-8,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000,
verbose = F)
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model1.un 14 7.97 -108. 0.687 0.891
# Model 2
<- freq_tab_3.1 |> gnm(
model2.un ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq Mult(L, L:Educ, Occ, inst = 1) +
Mult(L, L:Educ, Occ, inst = 2),
family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-8,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000,
verbose = F
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model2.un 20 29.2 -137. 1.82 0.0830
# Model 3
# it might not be fitted with gnm!
<- freq_tab_3.1 |> gnm(
model2.un ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq Mult(L, Educ, Occ, inst = 1) +
Mult(L, Educ, Occ, inst = 2),
family = poisson,
data = _,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-8,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000,
verbose = F
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model2.un 30 38.5 -211. 2.12 0.138
# Model 4
# it might not be fitted with gnm!
# Model 5
# it might not be fitted with gnm!
# Model 6
# it might not be fitted with gnm!
# Model 7
# it might not be fitted with gnm!
# Model 8
# it might not be fitted with gnm!
# Model 9
<- gnm(
model9.un ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq Mult(L, Educ, Occ, inst = 1) +
Mult(L, Educ, Occ, inst = 2),
family = poisson,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-12,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000
Running start-up iterations....................
Running main iterations.........................................................
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model9.un 30 38.5 -211. 2.12 0.138
<- getContrasts(
model9.un,pickCoef(model9.un, "[.]Educ")[1:4],
ref = "mean",
scaleRef = "mean",
scaleWeights = "unit"
<- getContrasts(
model9.un,pickCoef(model9.un, "[.]Occ")[1:5],
ref = "mean",
scaleRef = "mean",
scaleWeights = "unit"
<- getContrasts(
model9.un,pickCoef(model9.un, "[.]Educ")[5:8],
ref = "mean",
scaleRef = "mean",
scaleWeights = "unit"
<- getContrasts(
model9.un,pickCoef(model9.un, "[.]Occ")[6:10],
ref = "mean",
scaleRef = "mean",
scaleWeights = "unit"
<- c(mu1$qvframe[, 1][c(1, 4)],
con $qvframe[, 1][c(1, 5)],
nu1$qvframe[, 1][c(1, 4)],
mu2$qvframe[, 1][c(1, 5)])
<- gnm(
model9 ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq Mult(L, Educ, Occ, inst = 1) +
Mult(L, Educ, Occ, inst = 2),
constrain = c(37, 40, 41, 45, 50, 53, 54, 58),
constrainTo = con,
family = poisson,
tolerance = 1e-12,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000
Running start-up iterations....................
Running main iterations.........................................................
Deviance is not finite
Warning: Algorithm failed - no model could be estimated
Length Class Mode
Estimate Std. Error
Mult(L, ., Occ, inst = 1).Educ1 -0.6402222 0.02882211
Mult(L, ., Occ, inst = 1).Educ2 -0.2386164 0.03949527
Mult(L, ., Occ, inst = 1).Educ3 0.1683115 0.03139203
Mult(L, ., Occ, inst = 1).Educ4 0.7105272 0.02071164
Estimate Std. Error
Mult(L, Educ, ., inst = 1).Occ1 -0.7654028 0.02524700
Mult(L, Educ, ., inst = 1).Occ2 -0.2501417 0.04589839
Mult(L, Educ, ., inst = 1).Occ3 0.3979180 0.05170619
Mult(L, Educ, ., inst = 1).Occ4 0.2733327 0.04831936
Mult(L, Educ, ., inst = 1).Occ5 0.3442938 0.08637688
Estimate Std. Error
Mult(L, ., Occ, inst = 2).Educ1 -0.7309442 0.07862794
Mult(L, ., Occ, inst = 2).Educ2 0.2168538 0.14103742
Mult(L, ., Occ, inst = 2).Educ3 0.6355624 0.08287906
Mult(L, ., Occ, inst = 2).Educ4 -0.1214720 0.17120754
Estimate Std. Error
Mult(L, Educ, ., inst = 2).Occ1 0.07059438 0.10141736
Mult(L, Educ, ., inst = 2).Occ2 -0.48030206 0.07332532
Mult(L, Educ, ., inst = 2).Occ3 -0.19772154 0.10545108
Mult(L, Educ, ., inst = 2).Occ4 -0.21626011 0.06608227
Mult(L, Educ, ., inst = 2).Occ5 0.82368933 0.03866984
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model9.un 30 38.5 -211. 2.12 0.138
# Model 10
<- L
Lc levels(Lc) <- c(1, 1, 2, 2)
<- gnm(
model10.un ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq Mult(Lc, Educ, Occ) +
Mult(L, Educ, Occ),
family = poisson,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-8,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000,
verbose = F
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model10.un 32 40.4 -226. 2.17 0.146
# Model 11
<- gnm(
model11.un ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Freq Mult(1, Educ, Occ) +
Mult(L, Educ, Occ),
family = poisson,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-8,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000,
verbose = F
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model11.un 33 43.4 -231. 2.31 0.106
# Model 12
<- L
L.c levels(L.c) <- factor(c(1, 2, 3, 2))
model12.un gnm(Freq ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Mult(1, Educ, Occ) +
Mult(L.c, Educ, Occ),
family = poisson,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-12,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000
Running start-up iterations....................
Running main iterations.........................................................
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model12.un 34 44.6 -238. 2.70 0.105
<- getContrasts(
model12.un,pickCoef(model12.un, "[.]Educ")[1:4],
ref = "mean",
scaleRef = "mean",
scaleWeights = "unit"
<- getContrasts(
model12.un,pickCoef(model12.un, "[.]Occ")[1:5],
ref = "mean",
scaleRef = "mean",
scaleWeights = "unit"
<- getContrasts(
model12.un,pickCoef(model12.un, "[.]Educ")[5:8],
ref = "mean",
scaleRef = "mean",
scaleWeights = "unit"
<- getContrasts(
model12.un,pickCoef(model12.un, "[.]Occ")[6:10],
ref = "mean",
scaleRef = "mean",
scaleWeights = "unit"
<- c(mu1$qvframe[, 1][c(1, 4)], nu1$qvframe[, 1][c(1, 5)],
con $qvframe[, 1][c(1, 4)], nu2$qvframe[, 1][c(1, 5)])
model12 gnm(Freq ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Mult(1, Educ, Occ) +
Mult(L.c, Educ, Occ),
constrain = c(34, 37, 38, 42, 46, 49, 50, 54),
constrainTo = con,
family = poisson,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-12,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000
Running start-up iterations....................
Running main iterations.........................................................
Deviance is not finite
Warning: Algorithm failed - no model could be estimated
Length Class Mode
Estimate Std. Error
Mult(1, ., Occ).Educ1 -0.6496856 0.02689904
Mult(1, ., Occ).Educ2 -0.2266856 0.03916088
Mult(1, ., Occ).Educ3 0.1712502 0.02789996
Mult(1, ., Occ).Educ4 0.7051210 0.01869796
Estimate Std. Error
Mult(1, Educ, .).Occ1 0.7477472 0.03046619
Mult(1, Educ, .).Occ2 0.2798375 0.04956910
Mult(1, Educ, .).Occ3 -0.3926778 0.05281437
Mult(1, Educ, .).Occ4 -0.2590761 0.04731457
Mult(1, Educ, .).Occ5 -0.3758307 0.08654401
Estimate Std. Error
Mult(L.c, ., Occ).Educ1 0.7697514 0.05982573
Mult(L.c, ., Occ).Educ2 -0.1649990 0.14337525
Mult(L.c, ., Occ).Educ3 -0.6165380 0.08295724
Mult(L.c, ., Occ).Educ4 0.0117856 0.16680372
Estimate Std. Error
Mult(L.c, Educ, .).Occ1 0.04308284 0.07694408
Mult(L.c, Educ, .).Occ2 -0.47712634 0.07295173
Mult(L.c, Educ, .).Occ3 -0.22737747 0.10213888
Mult(L.c, Educ, .).Occ4 -0.16931700 0.06314427
Mult(L.c, Educ, .).Occ5 0.83073797 0.03112819
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model12.un 34 44.6 -238. 2.70 0.105
# Model 13
model13.un gnm(Freq ~ Educ + Occ + L + Educ:L + Occ:L +
Mult(1, Educ, Occ, inst = 1) +
Mult(1, Educ, Occ, inst = 2),
family = poisson,
trace = F,
tolerance = 1e-8,
iterStart = 20,
iterMax = 100000,
verbose = F
# A tibble: 1 × 6
`Model Description` df L2 BIC Delta p
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 model13.un 38 117. -199. 5.24 4.93e-10
<- tibble(Freq, Educ, Occ, Sex, Year, L, Rscore, Cscore)
d <- xtabs(Freq ~ Educ + Occ + L, data = d)
# Model 2
<- rcL(tab, nd = 1,
fit layer.effect = "none")
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations................
rcL(tab = tab, nd = 1, layer.effect = "none")
Intrinsic association coefficients:
[1,] 0.657
Normalized row scores (Educ) for all layers:
1 2 3 4
1.428 0.416 -0.477 -1.701
Normalized column scores (Occ) for all layers:
1 2 3 4 5
1.171 -0.236 -1.272 -1.076 -1.053
Normalization weights: marginal
Deviance: 143.8274
Pearson chi-squared: 152.4751
Dissimilarity index: 6.388286%
Residual df: 42
BIC: -205.3338
AIC: 59.82743
# Model 3
<- rcL(tab, nd = 1,
fit layer.effect = "heterogeneous")
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations.........................................................
rcL(tab = tab, nd = 1, layer.effect = "heterogeneous")
Intrinsic association coefficients:
1 0.644
2 0.870
3 0.562
4 0.683
Normalized row scores (Educ):
, , 1
1 1.457
2 0.520
3 -0.542
4 -1.488
, , 2
1 1.395
2 0.588
3 -0.470
4 -1.759
, , 3
1 1.403
2 0.447
3 -0.452
4 -1.793
, , 4
1 1.534
2 0.159
3 -0.598
4 -1.161
Normalized column scores (Occ):
, , 1
1 1.093
2 -0.024
3 -1.537
4 -1.069
5 -0.715
, , 2
1 1.195
2 -0.341
3 -1.118
4 -1.141
5 -0.413
, , 3
1 0.958
2 0.312
3 -1.415
4 -1.294
5 -1.417
, , 4
1 1.185
2 -0.383
3 -1.466
4 -0.827
5 -0.337
Normalization weights: marginal
Deviance: 69.06197
Pearson chi-squared: 88.05995
Dissimilarity index: 3.038593%
Residual df: 24
BIC: -130.4587
AIC: 21.06197
# Model 4
<- rcL(tab, nd = 2,
fit layer.effect = "none")
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations.................
rcL(tab = tab, nd = 2, layer.effect = "none")
Intrinsic association coefficients:
Dim1 Dim2
[1,] 0.6277 0.0863
Normalized row scores (Educ) for all layers:
Dim1 Dim2
1 1.458 0.480
2 0.425 -0.103
3 -0.520 -0.695
4 -1.549 2.607
Normalized column scores (Occ) for all layers:
Dim1 Dim2
1 1.1703 0.3450
2 -0.2552 -1.4735
3 -1.3890 0.0154
4 -0.9827 1.1830
5 -0.8680 2.3096
Normalization weights: marginal
Deviance: 117.3838
Pearson chi-squared: 122.1628
Dissimilarity index: 5.236715%
Residual df: 38
BIC: -198.524
AIC: 41.38378
# Model 5
<- rcL(tab, nd = 2,
fit layer.effect = "heterogeneous")
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations.........................................................
rcL(tab = tab, nd = 2, layer.effect = "heterogeneous")
Intrinsic association coefficients:
Dim1 Dim2
1 0.6502 0.0943
2 4.2413 0.4108
3 0.5696 0.0757
4 0.6765 0.1914
Normalized row scores (Educ):
, , 1
Dim1 Dim2
1 1.45352 0.45162
2 0.51234 -0.02060
3 -0.53379 -0.69282
4 -1.51746 2.62495
, , 2
Dim1 Dim2
1 1.52661 0.24250
2 -0.00802 1.36857
3 -0.78150 0.23483
4 0.00888 -2.91553
, , 3
Dim1 Dim2
1 1.38340 0.71281
2 0.44660 -0.57412
3 -0.42823 -0.71739
4 -1.86901 2.36677
, , 4
Dim1 Dim2
1 1.54808 0.21241
2 0.13984 -0.58450
3 -0.63135 -0.54666
4 -0.99808 2.85541
Normalized column scores (Occ):
, , 1
Dim1 Dim2
1 1.06815 0.26848
2 -0.00474 -1.18599
3 -1.70563 -0.75487
4 -0.94238 1.42995
5 -0.56999 2.63870
, , 2
Dim1 Dim2
1 0.30521 1.09050
2 0.01328 -0.11121
3 0.10725 -1.32567
4 -0.02157 -1.23729
5 -7.28179 0.87125
, , 3
Dim1 Dim2
1 0.98305 -0.55082
2 0.24927 0.94783
3 -1.48810 -1.21427
4 -1.16872 0.97409
5 -1.78377 -3.81045
, , 4
Dim1 Dim2
1 1.15659 -0.16207
2 -0.42550 -0.63682
3 -1.48072 0.27185
4 -0.81835 0.40919
5 0.93490 6.79479
Normalization weights: marginal
Deviance: 5.833864
Pearson chi-squared: 4.354907
Dissimilarity index: 0.436722%
Residual df: 8
BIC: -60.67303
AIC: -10.16614
# Model 6
<- rcL(tab, nd = 3,
fit layer.effect = "none")
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations.....
rcL(tab = tab, nd = 3, layer.effect = "none")
Intrinsic association coefficients:
Dim1 Dim2 Dim3
[1,] 0.6287 0.0867 0.0499
Normalized row scores (Educ) for all layers:
Dim1 Dim2 Dim3
1 1.456 0.533 0.346
2 0.437 -0.631 -3.762
3 -0.521 -0.657 0.315
4 -1.549 2.584 -0.348
Normalized column scores (Occ) for all layers:
Dim1 Dim2 Dim3
1 1.1701 0.3410 -0.1004
2 -0.2525 -1.4473 0.3582
3 -1.3804 0.0413 0.1242
4 -0.9949 1.0643 -1.0180
5 -0.8408 3.0518 6.4839
Normalization weights: marginal
Deviance: 113.1797
Pearson chi-squared: 117.7575
Dissimilarity index: 5.186927%
Residual df: 36
BIC: -186.1013
AIC: 41.17975
# Model 7
<- rcL(tab, nd = 3,
fit layer.effect = "heterogeneous")
Running start-up iterations..
Running main iterations.
Deviance is not finite
Warning: Algorithm failed - no model could be estimated